Elephant Ear Recipe-
so i don't make the dough from scratch...(first yeast dough and me don't always work well together)
So i use those frozen dinner roll balls
First-oil at 375 degrees. Just put a few rolls(or however many you need) in a greased backing dish preferably 13x9 the night before you need them made. Let rise overnight punching down occasionally. When about as big as the picture it's time to start pulling the dough apart. Cover with greased saran wrap.
i have really no method to the pull-apart...i try to keep them somewhat small because they will continue to rise as you work.
start to make discs..stretch and squish..don't worry about making them the full size yet. after about ten or so minutes squish and stretch again.
Get your paper lined pan ready for when they come out of the oil..
Slowly lower down into the oil. they will pop back up once they go in.
Turn over after a couple minutes.
Butter and cinnamon/sugar imediately after coming out of oil