so we all went to the pumpkin patch, you know the show, "little people, big world" well anyway we went to there house on Friday to get some pumpkins and were in to big of a hurry not mentioning any names but it kind of sucked we got 2 pumpkins but didn't get to look around or go on the guided tour. :-( so tyson and i decided we would go again on sunday and try to do all the things we didn't get to before...but there were sooo many people it was CRAZY, we waited probably 30 minutes just to get into their driveway then the wait for the tour was 2 1/2 hours long at the minimum! Sorry i am just a little bitter, i guess there is always next year. a couple weeks ago at grandma & grandpa's we took pictures with their pumpkins, so glad we did that since it is Trenton's first Halloween!!!